
Central Oregon Music Promotions

Central Oregon Music Promotions was founded by Brian with a passion for music and a mission to create the ultimate artist mecca in Oregon. With years of experience in local music and venues, we pride ourselves on bringing top talent to venues of all sizes, from dive bars to arenas. Our personalized approach and dedication to our artists set us apart from the rest.


About Brian: 

 "My family was musical, I was not!"  that is the line he gives when asked about how he got here.  Over the years working with some great mentors, friends, and Artists.  Brian loves to help who he can get to where they want to be.  Always a long road but it's a pure joy to help and guide those we can.  


Brian is a 30-year IT specialist by trade.  He spent nearly 20 years as a member of the Deschutes County Fair Association working with vendors and would regularly assist his Father, Mike, with many aspects of setting up fairs for local entertainment.  It was a family affair that both enjoyed immensely.  Sadly, Mike passed away in 2024.  Brian is carrying on in part for his memory.  "I miss those talks about artists and their qualities and how they use the gifts they have."

Ready to take your music to the next level?

Contact Central Oregon Music Promotions today to see how we can help you succeed in the music industry.